Tlmgr: package log updated: /usr/local/texlive/2018basic/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.logģ) To check where each package is installed, use the which command, for example which chktex. Tlmgr: package repository (not verified: gpg unavailable) Usually the dynamic is as follows: MacBook-Pro: ~ gabriel $ sudo tlmgr install chktex Wait for the installation to be completed. I will not show the installation of all the packages because the process is exactly identical, having only to substitute the name of what I am going to use of example (the chktex) by the others.ġ) At the Terminal, type sudo tlmgr install chktex. They are: latexmk, latexindent, synctext, chktex and texcount. Now we will install the necessary packages. To do so, type sudo tlmgr update -all Installing Packages It is accessible via tlmgr commandĢ) Type sudo tlmgr update -self to update the TeX Live Manager itselfģ) Once the process is complete, we will update all packages already installed by BasicTex.
We will use TeX Live Manager to install the packages. Download Packages Configuring TeX Live Manager
Important: I assume that: (1) BasicTex is already installed on your Mac and LaTex Workshop is installed in the VS Code, and (2) there are not any of the required packages.
The tutorial is pretty basic anyway, so have patience.
#Vs code mac command line full version#
In fact, it would be easier to download MacTex, which is the full version however, I was not in the mood to occupy 4GB of my SSD with this. I faced some difficulties in configuring and I decided to do this tutorial.